Life Blossom
A personal trajectory with the game Life Blossom helps people to blossom again.
It is based on the 'Flower of Life', an old flower symbol with eight leaves.
Each petal represents a specific area of life and with the game you strive for a certain balance in the blossoming of the flower and therefore of yourself.
The game box contains a flower and a theme board and you get started with that. There are also question cards per theme to reflect on. What is your desire and what do you want to achieve?
There are colored pencils to give your flower and your life more color.
And there is a watering can: because what you water grows!
The trajectory can be given on the beach, where you draw your own Flower of Life large in the sand and water the different petals/areas of life with water from the sea.
A personal trajectory consists of two half days of 2.5 hours each; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. In preparation for the trajectory, the client is asked to write a short life story.
After completing the trajectory, there is the possibility to schedule follow-up sessions.
There is also the possibility to follow a training to become a coach.